Snoezelen Multi-sensory treatment Environment

The Multi-sensory treatment Environment (Snoezelen) is a treatment in a sensory adapted environment which combines the enabling therapist approach. According to this approach, controlled multi-sensory environment has a significant impact in the client’s ability to achieve appropriate sensory integration and availability for learning, the approach uses arousing and calming stimuli, which are adapted by their character, amount and intensity to the individual needs of each client.

The multi-sensory treatment is performed in a unique room containing a variety of accessories that provide visual, tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive stimuli. This environment improves the client’s sensory processing and allows him or her to explore, participate, and initiate interaction with the therapist. The Multi-sensory treatment Environment can be used as a treatment on its own or as a treatment room for occupational therapists, communication clinicians and physical therapists.

The unique treatment has been researched in many studies and was found to help improve attention and concentration, reduce stress and anxiety, increase alertness, improve communication and motor capabilities, reduce muscle tone and provide the client with a safe environment to experiment.

If the initial evaluation included a recommendation for therapy in the multi-sensory environment, you will receive guidance on how to adapt the client’s natural environment in order to improve the sensory processing, and allow the client to participate and function.

The multi-sensory environment is suitable for a range of disabilities:

  • Children and adults with developmental disabilities such as CP, Developmental delays, genetic disorders, ASD and intellectual disabilities
  • People with learning disabilities such as ADHD
  • People with dementia
